
Graphic Summary of Association Analysis

1. Introduction

vtools_report plot_association generates QQ plot and Manhattan plot of p-values from output of vtools associate command. The graphics are powered by the R package ggplot2. Fonts, color, page layout etc can be specified from the command interface, generating high quality and customized graphs.

1.1 Input data format

vtools associate command typically generates two types of output: output of gene based association tests and single variant analysis.

Gene-based test input
#refGene_name2	sample_size_SBurdenTest	statistic_SBurdenTest	pvalue_SBurdenTest
AAGAB	1246	14	0.709392
ABHD2	1246	1	0.423756
ACAN	1246	107	0.0235792
ACSBG1	1246	23	0.887873
ACTC1	1246	0	1
ADAL	1246	2	1
ADAMTS17	1246	19	0.875558
ADAM10	1246	0	0.0766778
AGBL1	1246	120	0.119562
Single variant test input
#chr    pos     sample_size_SNV beta_x_SNV      pvalue_SNV
1       802398  120     0.164128        0.205794
1       861292  316     -0.0339594      0.556444
1       865580  252     0.448666        0.271728
1       866422  316     -0.106212       0.734266
1       865584  268     0.0681559       0.267732
1       865625  303     -0.54794        0.837163
1       866517  311     0.154219        0.17982
1       865662  303     -0.571153       0.881119
1       871129  315     0.0691795       0.476523

Note that

  • The program will read the header and only handle the columns prefixed by pvalue_ and suffixed by some non-empty character string which will be used as legend names
  • Multiple columns of p-values are allowed (see examples below)

1.2 Sample output graphs

QQ Plot samples

Manhattan Plot samples

2. Details

2.1 Command interface

% vtools_report plot_association -h

usage: vtools_report plot_association [-h] [-v {0,1,2}]
                                      {qq,manhattan,manhattan_plain} ...

positional arguments:
    qq                  QQ plot via ggplot2
    manhattan           Manhattan plot via ggplot2
    manhattan_plain     Manhattan plot implementation not using ggplot2

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v {0,1,2}, --verbosity {0,1,2}
                        Output error and warning (0), info (1) and debug (2)
                        information of vtools and vtools_report. Debug
                        information are always recorded in project and
                        vtools_report log files.

% vtools_report plot_association qq -h

usage: vtools_report plot_association qq [-h] [--shape INTEGER]
                                         [--fixed_shape] [--no_slope]
                                         [-t TITLE]
                                         [--color {Dark2,grayscale,default,BrBG,PiYG,PRGn,PuOr,RdBu,RdGy,RdYlBu,RdYlGn,Spectral,Accent,Paired,Pastel1,Pastel2,Set1,Set2,Set3,Blues,BuGn,BuPu,GnBu,Greens,Greys,Oranges,OrRd,PuBu,PuBuGn,PuRd,Purples,RdPu,Reds,YlGn,YlGnBu,YlOrBr,YlOrRd}]
                                         [--width_height INCHES INCHES] [-s]
                                         [-o FILE] [-b]
                                         [-l POSITION [POSITION ...]]
                                         [--label_top INTEGER]
                                         [--label_these NAME [NAME ...]]
                                         [-f SIZE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --shape INTEGER       Choose a shape theme (integer 1 to 16) for dots on QQ
                        plot. Default set to 1.
  --fixed_shape         Use the same dot-shape theme for all plots
  --no_slope            Do not plot the diagonal line

graph properties:
  -t TITLE, --title TITLE
                        Title of plot.
  --color {Dark2,grayscale,default,BrBG,PiYG,PRGn,PuOr,RdBu,RdGy,RdYlBu,RdYlGn,Spectral,Accent,Paired,Pastel1,Pastel2,Set1,Set2,Set3,Blues,BuGn,BuPu,GnBu,Greens,Greys,Oranges,OrRd,PuBu,PuBuGn,PuRd,Purples,RdPu,Reds,YlGn,YlGnBu,YlOrBr,YlOrRd}
                        Choose a color theme from the list above to apply to
                        the plot. (via the 'RColorBrewer' package:
  --width_height INCHES INCHES
                        The width and height of the graphics region in inches
  -s, --same_page       Plot multiple groups of p-values on the same graph
  -o FILE, --output FILE
                        Specify output graph filename. Output is in pdf
                        format. It can be converted to jpg format via the
                        'convert' command in Linux (e.g., convert -density 180
                        p.pdf p.jpg)

variants/genes highlighting:
  -b, --bonferroni      Plot the horizontal line at 0.05/N on Y-axis
                        (significance level after Bonferroni correction)
                        Additional horizontal line(s) to be drawn on the
  --label_top INTEGER   Specify how many top hits (smallest p-values by rank)
                        you want to highlight with their identifiers in text.
  --label_these NAME [NAME ...]
                        Specify the names of variants (chr:pos, e.g., 1:87463)
                        or genes (genename, e.g., IKBKB) you want to highlight
                        with their identifiers in text.
  -f SIZE, --font_size SIZE
                        Font size of text labels. Default set to '2.5'.

% vtools_report plot_association manhattan -h

usage: vtools_report plot_association manhattan [-h]
                                                [--chrom CHROMOSOME [CHROMOSOME ...]]
                                                [--chrom_prefix PREFIX]
                                                [--gene_map FILE] [-t TITLE]
                                                [--color {Dark2,grayscale,default,BrBG,PiYG,PRGn,PuOr,RdBu,RdGy,RdYlBu,RdYlGn,Spectral,Accent,Paired,Pastel1,Pastel2,Set1,Set2,Set3,Blues,BuGn,BuPu,GnBu,Greens,Greys,Oranges,OrRd,PuBu,PuBuGn,PuRd,Purples,RdPu,Reds,YlGn,YlGnBu,YlOrBr,YlOrRd}]
                                                [--width_height INCHES INCHES]
                                                [-s] [-o FILE] [-b]
                                                [-l POSITION [POSITION ...]]
                                                [--label_top INTEGER]
                                                [--label_these NAME [NAME ...]]
                                                [-f SIZE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Specify the particular chromosome(s) to display. Can
                        be one or multiple in this list: "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
                        11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 X Y Un ?:?".
                        Slicing syntax "?:?" is supported. For example "1:22"
                        is equivalent to displaying all autosomes; "1:Y" is
                        equivalent to displaying all mapped chromosomes.
                        Default set to all including unmapped chromosomes.
  --chrom_prefix PREFIX
                        Prefix chromosome ID with a string. Default is set to
                        "chr" (X-axis will be displayed as "chr1", "chr2",
                        etc). Use "None" for no prefix.
  --gene_map FILE       If the plot units are genes and the program fails to
                        map certain genes to chromosomes, you can fix it by
                        providing a text file of genomic coordinate
                        information of these genes. Each gene in the file is a
                        line of 3 columns specifying "GENENAME CHROM
                        MIDPOINT_POSITION", e.g., "IKBKB 8 42128820".

graph properties:
  -t TITLE, --title TITLE
                        Title of plot.
  --color {Dark2,grayscale,default,BrBG,PiYG,PRGn,PuOr,RdBu,RdGy,RdYlBu,RdYlGn,Spectral,Accent,Paired,Pastel1,Pastel2,Set1,Set2,Set3,Blues,BuGn,BuPu,GnBu,Greens,Greys,Oranges,OrRd,PuBu,PuBuGn,PuRd,Purples,RdPu,Reds,YlGn,YlGnBu,YlOrBr,YlOrRd}
                        Choose a color theme from the list above to apply to
                        the plot. (via the 'RColorBrewer' package:
  --width_height INCHES INCHES
                        The width and height of the graphics region in inches
  -s, --same_page       Plot multiple groups of p-values on the same graph
  -o FILE, --output FILE
                        Specify output graph filename. Output is in pdf
                        format. It can be converted to jpg format via the
                        'convert' command in Linux (e.g., convert -density 180
                        p.pdf p.jpg)

variants/genes highlighting:
  -b, --bonferroni      Plot the horizontal line at 0.05/N on Y-axis
                        (significance level after Bonferroni correction)
                        Additional horizontal line(s) to be drawn on the
  --label_top INTEGER   Specify how many top hits (smallest p-values by rank)
                        you want to highlight with their identifiers in text.
  --label_these NAME [NAME ...]
                        Specify the names of variants (chr:pos, e.g., 1:87463)
                        or genes (genename, e.g., IKBKB) you want to highlight
                        with their identifiers in text.
  -f SIZE, --font_size SIZE
                        Font size of text labels. Default set to '2.5'.

% vtools_report plot_association manhattan_plain -h

usage: vtools_report plot_association manhattan_plain [-h]
                                                      [--chrom CHROMOSOME [CHROMOSOME ...]]
                                                      [--chrom_prefix PREFIX]
                                                      [--gene_map FILE]
                                                      [-t TITLE]
                                                      [--color {Dark2,grayscale,default,BrBG,PiYG,PRGn,PuOr,RdBu,RdGy,RdYlBu,RdYlGn,Spectral,Accent,Paired,Pastel1,Pastel2,Set1,Set2,Set3,Blues,BuGn,BuPu,GnBu,Greens,Greys,Oranges,OrRd,PuBu,PuBuGn,PuRd,Purples,RdPu,Reds,YlGn,YlGnBu,YlOrBr,YlOrRd}]
                                                      [--width_height INCHES INCHES]
                                                      [-s] [-o FILE] [-b]
                                                      [-l POSITION [POSITION ...]]
                                                      [--label_top INTEGER]
                                                      [--label_these NAME [NAME ...]]
                                                      [-f SIZE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Specify the particular chromosome(s) to display. Can
                        be one or multiple in this list: "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
                        11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 X Y Un ?:?".
                        Slicing syntax "?:?" is supported. For example "1:22"
                        is equivalent to displaying all autosomes; "1:Y" is
                        equivalent to displaying all mapped chromosomes.
                        Default set to all including unmapped chromosomes.
  --chrom_prefix PREFIX
                        Prefix chromosome ID with a string. Default is set to
                        "chr" (X-axis will be displayed as "chr1", "chr2",
                        etc). Use "None" for no prefix.
  --gene_map FILE       If the plot units are genes and the program fails to
                        map certain genes to chromosomes, you can fix it by
                        providing a text file of genomic coordinate
                        information of these genes. Each gene in the file is a
                        line of 3 columns specifying "GENENAME CHROM
                        MIDPOINT_POSITION", e.g., "IKBKB 8 42128820".

graph properties:
  -t TITLE, --title TITLE
                        Title of plot.
  --color {Dark2,grayscale,default,BrBG,PiYG,PRGn,PuOr,RdBu,RdGy,RdYlBu,RdYlGn,Spectral,Accent,Paired,Pastel1,Pastel2,Set1,Set2,Set3,Blues,BuGn,BuPu,GnBu,Greens,Greys,Oranges,OrRd,PuBu,PuBuGn,PuRd,Purples,RdPu,Reds,YlGn,YlGnBu,YlOrBr,YlOrRd}
                        Choose a color theme from the list above to apply to
                        the plot. (via the 'RColorBrewer' package:
  --width_height INCHES INCHES
                        The width and height of the graphics region in inches
  -s, --same_page       Plot multiple groups of p-values on the same graph
  -o FILE, --output FILE
                        Specify output graph filename. Output is in pdf
                        format. It can be converted to jpg format via the
                        'convert' command in Linux (e.g., convert -density 180
                        p.pdf p.jpg)

variants/genes highlighting:
  -b, --bonferroni      Plot the horizontal line at 0.05/N on Y-axis
                        (significance level after Bonferroni correction)
                        Additional horizontal line(s) to be drawn on the
  --label_top INTEGER   Specify how many top hits (smallest p-values by rank)
                        you want to highlight with their identifiers in text.
  --label_these NAME [NAME ...]
                        Specify the names of variants (chr:pos, e.g., 1:87463)
                        or genes (genename, e.g., IKBKB) you want to highlight
                        with their identifiers in text.
  -f SIZE, --font_size SIZE
                        Font size of text labels. Default set to '2.5'.

2.2 QQ Plot Examples

Gene base tests
zcat genetest.result.gz | vtools_report plot_association qq -o genes_qq1
zcat genetest.result.gz | vtools_report plot_association qq -s --color Dark2 -b -o genes_qq\
zcat genetest.result.gz | vtools_report plot_association qq -t "Demo QQ plot" -b -o genes_q\
zcat genetest.result.gz | vtools_report plot_association qq -t "Demo otherwise shaped QQ pl\
ot" -s -b --shape 12 -o genes_qq4
Single variant tests
zcat varianttest.result.gz | vtools_report plot_association qq -o variants_qq1
zcat varianttest.result.gz | vtools_report plot_association qq -s --color Dark2 -b -o varia\
zcat varianttest.result.gz | vtools_report plot_association qq -t "Demo QQ plot" -b -o vari\
zcat varianttest.result.gz | vtools_report plot_association qq -t "Demo otherwise shaped QQ\
 plot" -s -b --shape 12 -o variants_qq4

2.3 Manhattan Plot Examples

Gene base tests
zcat genetest.result.gz | vtools_report plot_association manhattan -t "Demo Manhattan plot"\
 --color Dark2 --s -b -o genes_man1
zcat genetest.result.gz | vtools_report plot_association manhattan -t "Demo Manhattan plot"\
 --chrom 1:22 --chrom_prefix None --same_page -o genes_man2
zcat genetest.result.gz | vtools_report plot_association manhattan_plain -t "Demo Manhattan\
 plain plot" --color Dark2 --s -b -o genes_man3
zcat genetest.result.gz | vtools_report plot_association manhattan_plain -t "Demo Manhattan\
 plain plot" --chrom 1:22 --chrom_prefix None --same_page -o genes_man4
Single variant tests
zcat varianttest.result.gz | vtools_report plot_association manhattan -t "Demo Manhattan pl\
ot" --color Dark2 --s -b -o variants_man1
zcat varianttest.result.gz | vtools_report plot_association manhattan -t "Demo Manhattan pl\
ot" --chrom 1:22 --chrom_prefix None --same_page -o variants_man2
zcat varianttest.result.gz | vtools_report plot_association manhattan_plain -t "Demo Manhat\
tan plain plot" --color Dark2 --s -b -o variants_man3
zcat varianttest.result.gz | vtools_report plot_association manhattan_plain -t "Demo Manhat\
tan plain plot" --chrom 1:22 --chrom_prefix None --same_page -o variants_man4