Rutgers map

Rutgers map

The rutgersMap database was created from Rutgers Combined Linkage-Phsycal Map (T. C. Matise et al, 2007). The current version contains interpolated genetic positions for variants from dbSNP build 134. It is also possible to provide a list of variants with physical positions to the Rutgers Map Interpolator and create your own annotation database using the rutgersMap format with --file option for vtools use command.

Description of the data from Rutgers Computational Genetics Lab:

We have constructed de novo a high-resolution genetic map that includes the largest set of polymorphic markers for which genotype data are publicly available: it combines genotype data from both the CEPH and deCODE pedigrees (for some markers), incorporates SNPs, also incorporates sequence-based positional information. The position of most markers on our map is corroborated by both genomic sequence and recombination-based data. This specific combination of features maximizes marker inclusion, coverage, and resolution, making this map uniquely suited as a comprehensive resource for determining genetic map information (order and distances) for any large set of polymorphic markers.


% vtools show annotation rutgersMap -v2

Annotation database rutgersMap (version b134)
Description:            Rutgers Combined Linkage-Physical Map
Database type:          position
Reference genome hg19:  chr, position
  position              one-based position in chromosome
  cm_avg                map distance (cM), averaged
  cm_female             map distance (cM), female
  cm_male               map distance (cM), male


T. C. Matise, F. Chen, W. Chen, F. M. De La Vega, M. Hansen, C. He, F. C.L. Hyland, G. C. Kennedy, X. Kong, S. S. Murray, J. S. Ziegle, W. C.L. Stewart and S. Buyske (2007). A second-generation combined linkage physical map of the human genome. Genome Research