
Calling variants using BWA and GATK best practice pipeline

1. Usage

% vtools show pipeline bwa_gatk28_hg19

A pipeline to align raw reads from fastq or BAW/SAM files using BWA and GATK
best practice. It uses hg19 of human reference genome and assumes paired-end
reads in plain text and compressed formats.

Available pipelines: align, call

Pipeline "align":  Align raw reads from input files using bwa, gatk, and
picard. This pipeline accepts raw input files in plain text format, SAM/BAM
format, and their compressed versions (.zip, .tar.gz, .tgz, .bz2, .tbz2 etc).
All input files are assumed to be raw reads from the same sample. This
pipeline generates a calibrated bam file (--output), and its reduced version
if an additional output file is specified.
  align_0:            Check the version of variant tools (version 2.1.1 and
                      above is required to execute this pipeline)
  align_1:            Download required resources to resource directory
  align_10:           Check existence of commands bwa, samtools and java
  align_11:           Check the version of bwa. Version is 0.7.4 is
  align_12:           Check the version of picard. Version is 1.82 is
  align_13:           Check the version of GATK. Version 2.8 is recommended.
  align_20:           Check existence of class files for Picard and GATK
  align_30:           Build bwa index for build hg19 of reference genome
  align_40:           Build samtools index for build hg19 of reference genome
  align_100:          Convert bam files to paired fastq files if the input is
                      in bam/sam format. Other input files are returned
  align_101:          Decompress all input files (.tgz2, .tar, .tar.gz, .gz,
                      .tgz, .zip etc) to a cache directory. Uncompressed files
                      are hard-linked to the cache directory.
  align_200:          Check the format of the input fastq file and write an
                      option file with option -I if the sequences are in
                      Illumina 1.3+ format.
  align_201:          Call bwa aln to produce .sai files
  align_300:          Determine (guess) a read group tag and write to a .RG
  align_301:          Running bwa sampe for paired end reads, using read group
                      tag saved in a .RG file
  align_302:          Check the proportion of aligned reads and exit if there
                      are less than 80% of aligned reads.
  align_303:          If in production mode, remove fastq files dumped from
                      bam files
  align_400:          Merge per-lane sam files into a single bam file. This
                      step is skipped if there is only one input file.
  align_500:          Sort merged bam file using picard SortSam
  align_501:          If in production mode, remove decompressed fastq and
                      individual bam files after a single bam file has been
  align_600:          Mark duplicates using picard MarkDuplicates command
  align_601:          Remove _sorted.bam file after deduplication is
  align_610:          Index dedupped bam file using samtools
  align_700:          Realign indels create indel realigner target
  align_710:          Apply indel realigner target to bam file
  align_711:          If in production mode, remove bam files before
                      realignment steps
  align_800:          Create base recalibrator target
  align_810:          Apply base recalibrator target
  align_811:          If in production mode, remove bam files before
                      realignment steps
  align_900:          Generated bam file with reduced reads if more than one
                      output file is specified

Pipeline "call":  Call and validate variants (SNPs and Indels) from one or
more input bam files. This pipeline accepts one or more bam files as input and
a vcf file as output. If multiple input files are specified, multi-sample
variant calling will be performed.
  call_0:             Check the version of variant tools (version 2.1.1 and
                      above is required to execute this pipeline)
  call_10:            Check existence of commands bwa, samtools and java
  call_13:            Check the version of GATK
  call_20:            Check existence of class files for GATK
  call_100:           Use unified genotyper to get raw variants
  call_200:           Recalibrate SNPs
  call_210:           Recalibrate INDELs
  call_300:           Apply SNP recalibration
  call_310:           Apply INDEL recalibration

Pipeline parameters:
  name                Name of the job to be executed. All intermediate
                      files generated from this pipeline will be saved
                      to \\(CACHE_DIR/$NAME where \\(CACHE_DIR is the
                      cache directory of the project. (default:
  strict_prog_version Whether or not use other version of programs if
                      the exact version does not exist. Setting it to
                      False allows variant tools to use other versions
                      of the programs. (default: False)
  production          If set to True or 1, all intermediate files will
                      be removed. The whole pipeline would need to be
                      rerun if a different parameter or different
                      version of external program is used. (default:
  bwa                 path to bwa. Default to 'bwa' (use \\(PATH to
                      determine actual path) (default: bwa)
  samtools            path to samtools. Default to 'samtools' (use
                      \\(PATH to determine actual path) (default:
  java                path to java. Default to 'java' (use \\(PATH to
                      determine actual path) (default: java)
  picard_path         Path to picard jar files
  gatk_path           Path to GATK jar file GenomeAnalysisTK.jar
  opt_java            Option to java program. is
                      frequently used to set java temporary directory
                      if system temporary partition is not big enough.
                      (default: -Xmx4g -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit)
  opt_bwa_index       Option to command 'bwa index'
  opt_bwa_aln         Option to command 'bwa aln'
  opt_bwa_sampe       Option to command 'bwa sampe'
  opt_samtools_faidx  Option to command 'samtools faidx'
  opt_samtools_index  Option to command 'samtools index'
  opt_picard_sortsam  Option to picard SortSam.jar (default:
  opt_picard_mergesamfiles Option to picard MergeSamFiles.jar
                      (default: MAX_RECORDS_IN_RAM=5000000)
  opt_picard_samtofastq Option to picard SamToFastq.jar (default:
                      VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=LENIENT NON_PF=true)
  opt_picard_markduplicates Option to picard MarkDuplicates.jar
  opt_gatk_realignertargetcreator Option to command gatk
  opt_gatk_indelrealigner Option to command gatk IndelRealigner
                      (default: --filter_mismatching_base_and_quals)
  opt_gatk_baserecalibrator Option to command gatk BaseRecalibrator
                      (default: -rf BadCigar)
  opt_gatk_printreads Option to command gatk PrintReads
  opt_gatk_reducereads Option to command gatk ReduceReads
  opt_gatk_unifiedgenotyper Option to command gatk UnifiedGenotyper
                      (default: -rf BadCigar  -stand_call_conf 50.0
                      -stand_emit_conf 10.0  -dcov 200 -A
                      AlleleBalance -A QualByDepth -A HaplotypeScore
                      -A MappingQualityRankSumTest -A
                      ReadPosRankSumTest -A FisherStrand -A
                      RMSMappingQuality -A InbreedingCoeff -A
  opt_gatk_variantrecalibrator Option to command gatk
  opt_gatk_variantrecalibrator_snp Option to command gatk
                      VarintRecalibrator -mode SNP (default:
                      -percentBad 0.01 -minNumBad 1000 -an QD -an
                      MQRankSum -an ReadPosRankSum -an FS -an DP)
  opt_gatk_variantrecalibrator_indel Option to command gatk
                      VarintRecalibrator -mode INDEL (default:
                      --maxGaussians 4 -percentBad 0.01 -minNumBad
                      1000 -an DP -an FS -an ReadPosRankSum -an
  opt_gatk_applyrecalibration Option to command gatk ApplyRecalibrator
                      (default: --ts_filter_level 99.9)
  opt_gatk_applyrecalibration_snp Option to command gatk
                      ApplyRecalibrator  -mode SNP
  opt_gatk_applyrecalibration_indel Option to command gatk
                      ApplyRecalibrator -mode INDEL

2. Details

2.1 Set up environment

This pipeline uses the following external commands:

You can add path to bwa and samtools to $PATH or pass full path name to options bwa=/path/to/bwa and samtools=/path/to/samtools. Paths to Picard and GATK should be passed using options gatk_path and picard_path.

2.2 Test the environment

After you installed the programs, you should running the following commands to test if everything works ok:

# create a new project and download test data (an online snapshot)
% vtools init test --parent vt_illuminaTestData
% vtools execute bwa_gatk28_hg19 align --input illumina_test_seq.tar.gz --output test.bam \
    --gatk_path /path/to/gatk --picard_path /path/to/picard --strict_prog_version False

2.3 Executing the pipeline in production mode

The pipeline will by default keep all intermediate files. If you restart the pipeline with different parameter or a different version of an external file, only the affected steps will be repeated. Intermediate files will be reused if available. This allows you to examine and fine-tune the pipeline to make sure it works as expected.

Because intermediate files can be large, an option --production true is provided to execute the pipeline in production mode. In this mode, most intermediate files will be removed after the completion of the steps that make use of them. The pipeline can resume from the right step if it is interrupted, but has to be re-executed from the beginning if a result file is removed.