
Identification of recessive and de novo variants for family-based design


% vtools show pipeline filtering  

Pipelines to filter variants.

Available pipelines: denovo, recessive

Pipeline "denovo":  This pipeline identifies de novo mutations from a family of unaffected
parents, affected offspring, and optional unaffected siblings. It can be applied either to
the current project (no --input is specified), or a snapshot (--input) for which the
snapshot will be loaded and overwrite the existing project. The parameter --samples is
required to specify the name of samples in the order of offspring (proband), parents and
sibling. Parameter --name is recommended to give all variant tables a prefix. This pipeline
will produce tables \\(name_denovo (variants that are observed only in the proband),
\\(name_denovo_by_site (variants that are observed in the proband with no variant in parents
and sibling at this site). A table \\(name_denovo_SNP will be created with all SNP markers in
table \\(name_denovo. And, depending on values of parameter --databases, it can produce tables
\\(table_1kg for variants in 1000 genomes project, \\(table_dbSNP for variants in dbSNP project,
and \\(table_refGene, \\(table_refGene_exon, \\(table_ccdsGene, \\(table_ccdsGene_exon,
\\(table_CancerGenomeCensus, \\(table_COSMIC, \\(table_dbNSFP, \\(table_phastCons,
\\(table_phastConsElements, \\(table_genomicSuperDups for tables in respective annotation
databases. It is up to you to select variants based on these membership tables using the
'vtools compare' command.  The project will be saved to a snapshot if a name (or filename
with extension .tar or .tar.gz) is specified as the output.
  denovo_0:           Load specified snapshot if a snapshot is specified. Otherwise use the
                      existing project.
  denovo_5:           Check the version of variant tools (version 2.2.1 and above is
                      required to execute this pipeline)
  denovo_10:          Select variants for each sample
  denovo_15:          Import all annotation databases
  denovo_20:          Locate de novo variants of the proband
  denovo_30:          Locate de novo variants by site (no parental variants at the sites,
                      even if the variants are different). This table contains a subset of
                      table \\(name_denovo.
  denovo_50:          Create variant tables according to their membership in different
                      annotation databases
  denovo_100:         Save the project to a snapshot if an output is specified.
  denovo_200:         Summarize the results.

Pipeline "recessive":  This pipeline identifies recessive mutations from a family of
unaffected parents, affected offspring, and optional unaffected siblings. Recessive variant
is defined as variants that are homozygous in the affected offspring (proband), heterozygous
in both parents, and heterozygous or wildtype in a sibling (if available). The pipeline can
be applied either to the current project (no --input is specified), or a snapshot (--input)
for which the snapshot will be loaded and overwrite the existing project. The parameter
--samples is required to specify the name of samples in the order of offspring (proband),
parents, and sibling. Parameter --name is recommended to give all variant tables a prefix.
This pipeline will produce tables \\(name_recessive (variants that are observed only in the
proband), \\(name_recessive_by_site (variants that are observed in the proband with no variant
in parents and sibling at this site). A table \\(name_denovo_SNP will be created with all SNP
markers in table \\(name_denovo. And, depending on values of parameter --databases, it can
produce tables \\(table_1kg for variants in 1000 genomes project, \\(table_dbSNP for variants in
dbSNP project, and \\(table_refGene, \\(table_refGene_exon, \\(table_ccdsGene,
\\(table_ccdsGene_exon, \\(table_CancerGenomeCensus, \\(table_COSMIC, \\(table_dbNSFP,
\\(table_phastCons, \\(table_phastConsElements, \\(table_genomicSuperDups for tables in respective
annotation databases. It is up to you to select variants based on these membership tables
using the 'vtools compare' command.  Two optional output files are allowed. The project will
be saved to a snapshot if a name (or filename with extension .tar or .tar.gz) is specified
as the output.
  recessive_0:        Load specified snapshot if a snapshot is specified. Otherwise use the
                      existing project.
  recessive_5:        Check the version of variant tools (version 2.2.1 and above is
                      required to execute this pipeline)
  recessive_10:       Count the number of heterozygotes in parents, number of homozygotes in
                      proband and his or her sibling, if available.
  recessive_15:       Import all annotation databases
  recessive_20:       Locate recessive variants of the proband (homozygous only in proband)
                      and save variants in table \\(name_recessive
  recessive_50:       Create variant tables according to their membership in different
                      annotation databases
  recessive_100:      Save the project to a snapshot if an output is specified.
  recessive_200:      Summarize the results.

Pipeline parameters:
  samples             Name of samples for proband (affected offspring), his or her parents
                      (unaffected) and sibling (unaffected, if available) for the denovo and
                      recessive pipelines.
  name                Name of the family. All generated tables will be prefixed with this
                      name. (default: family)
  databases           Databases for which membership tables will be produced. (default: thou


Identification of de novo variants in a family with affected offspring

This pipeline executes a series of vtools commands to identify de novo variants in a family with affected offsprng, unaffected parents, and an optional unaffected sibling.

The pipeline either applies to the existing project, or load a snapshot if a snapshot is specified using parameter --input. For a project with two unaffected parents, affected offspring (proband), and an optional sibling, this pipeline

  1. identify variants for each sample
  2. identify variants that appear only in the affected offspring, save it to a variant table $name_denovo
  3. identify a subset of variants that have no other parental variants at the variant sites, save it to table $name_denovo_site
  4. identify variants that belong to a number of annotation databases and save them to their respective variant tables.

The pipeline writes a summary of tables created to the standard output, and save the project to a snapshot if a name or filename is assigned to parameter --output.

For example, the following command

% vtools execute filtering denovo --input poly_data.tar \
  --samples WGS3_2 WGS3_3 WGS3_1  --output denovo.tar \
  > logfile

produces a log file

% cat logfile

SUMMARY: Identification of de novo variants for family family

Members: WGS3_2 WGS3_3 (unaffected parents), WGS3_1 (affected offspring)

Number of variants:
family_WGS3_2 : 4367814 (variants from sample WGS3_2)
family_WGS3_3 : 4455890 (variants from sample WGS3_3)
family_WGS3_1 : 4343418 (variants from sample WGS3_1)

de novo variants:
family_denovo : 113553 (de novo variants for family family )
family_denovo_SNP: 63578 (de novo SNP variants for family family )
family_denovo_by_site: 95653 (de novo variants for family family (by site, namely no parental and sibling variant at the sites))

Database membership:
family_denovo_in_thousandGenomes: 18330 (de novo variants in database thousandGenomes)
family_denovo_in_dbSNP: 71921 (de novo variants in database dbSNP)
family_denovo_in_refGene: 40037 (de novo variants in database refGene)
family_denovo_in_ccdsGene: 28427 (de novo variants in database ccdsGene)
family_denovo_in_refGene_exon: 1099 (de novo variants in database refGene_exon)
family_denovo_in_ccdsGene_exon: 235 (de novo variants in database ccdsGene_exon)
family_denovo_in_CosmicCodingMuts: 73 (de novo variants in database CosmicCodingMuts)
family_denovo_in_CosmicNonCodingVariants: 111 (de novo variants in database CosmicNonCodingVariants)
family_denovo_in_dbNSFP: 148 (de novo variants in database dbNSFP)
family_denovo_in_phastCons: 101916 (de novo variants in database phastCons)
family_denovo_in_phastConsElements: 3502 (de novo variants in database phastConsElements)
family_denovo_in_genomicSuperDups: 24836 (de novo variants in database genomicSuperDups)

The order of sample names in parameter --samples is very important. It should be the name for parents, followed by affected offspring (proband), and optionally name of another unaffected offspring. Mixing up the order will certainly lead to erroneous results!

Identification of recessive variants in a family with affected offspring

This pipeline works similarly to the denovo pipeline (with the same input, output and other options), but tried to identify variants that are recessive in the affected offspring, heterozygous in parents, and wildtype or heterozygous in the unaffected sibling, if available.

Variants on sex chromosomes are handled in the same way as variants on autosomes. There must be some genotyping error if you observe recessive variants on chromosome Y. If you observe recessive variants on chromosome X, it means the variant is heterozygous for mother, and exists in father.

What is next?

The pipelines identify recessive or de novo variants and create a bunch of tables. You usually should filter the list more using combination of memberships, quality scores, and other information. For example, if you are looking for novel variants that are not in 1000 genomes, in exon regions, with high conservation score, not in genomic duplication regions, you can select the variants using command

% vtools compare --expression 'mylist=family_denovo - family_denovo_in_thousandGenomes - \
    (family_denovo - (family_denovo_in_refGene_exon | family_denovo_phastConsElements)) - \

and start looking closely at these variants, using commands such as

% vtools output mylist chr pos ref alt 'ref_sequence(chr, pos, pos+20)' "track('mydata.bam', 'reads')"