1000 Genomes (EBI)

This database contains all of the variants supplied by the 1000 Genomes Project downloaded from the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) website. The original vcf file can be obtained from here:


This represents version 3 of an integrated variant call set based on both low coverage and exome whole genome sequence data from the 1000 Genomes project. All of the annotation data supplied through the INFO fields in the VCF file can be used to annotate, filter or select project variants. A description of the fields available in the database are listed below.

vtools show annotation thousandGenomesEBI -v2

Annotation database thousandGenomesEBI (version hg19_phase1_release_v3.20101123)
Description: 1000 Genomes VCF file (available from: ftp://ftp.1000genomes.ebi.ac.uk
Database type: variant
Number of records: 39,706,715
Number of distinct variants: 39,706,710
Reference genome hg19: ['chr', 'pos', 'ref', 'alt']

Field:           chr
Type:            string
Missing entries: 0 
Unique Entries:  23

Field:           pos
Type:            integer
Missing entries: 0 
Unique Entries:  35,759,802
Range:           56 - 249239465

Field:           dbsnp_id
Type:            string
Comment:         DB SNP ID
Missing entries: 0 
Unique Entries:  37,979,186

Field:           ref
Type:            string
Comment:         Reference allele (as on the + strand)
Missing entries: 0 
Unique Entries:  50,996

Field:           alt
Type:            string
Comment:         Alternative allele (as on the + strand)
Missing entries: 0 
Unique Entries:  19,919

Field:           LDAF_INFO
Type:            float
Comment:         MLE Allele Frequency Accounting for LD
Missing entries: 0 
Unique Entries:  10,001
Range:           0 - 1

Field:           AVGPOST_INFO
Type:            float
Comment:         Average posterior probability from MaCH/Thunder
Missing entries: 0 
Unique Entries:  4,365
Range:           0.5242 - 1

Field:           RSQ_INFO
Type:            float
Comment:         Genotype imputation quality from MaCH/Thunder
Missing entries: 0 
Unique Entries:  9,500
Range:           0 - 1

Field:           ERATE_INFO
Type:            float
Comment:         Per-marker Mutation rate from MaCH/Thunder
Missing entries: 0 
Unique Entries:  1,395
Range:           0.0001 - 0.2051

Field:           THETA_INFO
Type:            float
Comment:         Per-marker Transition rate from MaCH/Thunder
Missing entries: 0 
Unique Entries:  828
Range:           0 - 0.1493

Field:           CIEND_INFO
Type:            string
Comment:         Confidence interval around END for imprecise variants
Missing entries: 39,692,293 (100.0% of 39,706,715 records)
Unique Entries:  1,152

Field:           CIPOS_INFO
Type:            string
Comment:         Confidence interval around POS for imprecise variants
Missing entries: 39,692,293 (100.0% of 39,706,715 records)
Unique Entries:  1,026

Field:           END_INFO
Type:            integer
Comment:         End position of the variant described in this record
Missing entries: 39,692,293 (100.0% of 39,706,715 records)
Unique Entries:  7,575
Range:           34838 - 0,0

Field:           HOMLEN_INFO
Type:            integer
Comment:         Length of base pair identical micro-homology at event
Missing entries: 39,697,859 (100.0% of 39,706,715 records)
Unique Entries:  162
Range:           0 - 415

Field:           HOMSEQ_INFO
Type:            string
Comment:         Sequence of base pair identical micro-homology at event
Missing entries: 39,699,665 (100.0% of 39,706,715 records)
Unique Entries:  2,465

Field:           SVLEN_INFO
Type:            integer
Comment:         Difference in length between REF and ALT alleles
Missing entries: 39,697,781 (100.0% of 39,706,715 records)
Unique Entries:  5,540
Range:           -964078 - 190

Field:           SVTYPE_INFO
Type:            string
Comment:         Type of structural variant
Missing entries: 39,692,293 (100.0% of 39,706,715 records)
Unique Entries:  1

Field:           AC_INFO
Type:            integer
Comment:         Alternate allele count
Missing entries: 0 
Unique Entries:  2,185
Range:           0 - 2184

Field:           AN_INFO
Type:            integer
Comment:         Total allele count
Missing entries: 0 
Unique Entries:  1
Range:           2184 - 2184

Field:           AA_INFO
Type:            string
Comment:         Ancestral Allele, ftp://ftp.1000genomes.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/ftp/pil
Missing entries: 1,457,936 (3.7% of 39,706,715 records)
Unique Entries:  11

Field:           AF_INFO
Type:            float
Comment:         Global allele frequency based on AC/AN
Missing entries: 0 
Unique Entries:  10,001
Range:           0 - 1

Field:           AMR_AF_INFO
Type:            float
Comment:         Allele frequency for samples from AMR based on AC/AN
Missing entries: 19,042,603 (48.0% of 39,706,715 records)
Unique Entries:  102
Range:           0.0028 - 1

Field:           ASN_AF_INFO
Type:            float
Comment:         Allele frequency for samples from ASN based on AC/AN
Missing entries: 24,658,006 (62.1% of 39,706,715 records)
Unique Entries:  104
Range:           0.0017 - 1

Field:           AFR_AF_INFO
Type:            float
Comment:         Allele frequency for samples from AFR based on AC/AN
Missing entries: 12,998,330 (32.7% of 39,706,715 records)
Unique Entries:  103
Range:           0.002 - 1

Field:           EUR_AF_INFO
Type:            float
Comment:         Allele frequency for samples from EUR based on AC/AN
Missing entries: 22,084,479 (55.6% of 39,706,715 records)
Unique Entries:  105
Range:           0.0013 - 1

Field:           VT_INFO
Type:            string
Comment:         Variant type
Missing entries: 0 
Unique Entries:  3

Field:           SNPSOURCE_INFO
Type:            string
Comment:         indicates if a snp was called when analyzing the low coverage
                 or exome alignment data
Missing entries: 1,457,936 (3.7% of 39,706,715 records)
Unique Entries:  3