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Verbosity and number of workers

  • Difficulty level: easy
  • Time need to lean: 10 minutes or less
  • Key points:
    • -v controls logging level from error, warning, info to debug
    • -v1 displays all workflow output, -v2 displays workflow output plus workflow information, -v3 displays some debug information.
    • -v0 suppress all user output (except for errors) and introduces a special text-based progress bar
    • Environment variable DBG_DEBUG can be used to generate topic-specific debug information
    • -j controls number of concurrent processes

Logging level

SoS uses a logging system to output all sorts of information during the execution of workflows. The amount of output can be controlled by logging level, which can be error (0), warning (1), info (2), and debug (3). The default logging level for SoS is info.

For example, logging at info level would produce message indicating the steps executed and input output files, while -v0 will suppress all but error messages. It is worth noting that if you are using SoS Notebook, all logging messages will be sent to the side panel if the console panel is open.

In [1]:
[####] 4 steps processed (4 jobs completed)

In -v1 mode, all output from user statements will be outputted

In [2]:

SoS will output additional logging information at level -v2

In [3]:

SOS_DEBUG and ~/sos_debug.log

This option is designed for developers but if you would like to peak into what SoS is actually doing, you can set an environment variable SOS_DEBUG, with , separated values of

  • ALL: all debug messages
  • Topics such as CONTROLLER, TASK, WORKER, EXECUTOR to keep only debug information of specific topics. The actual values can vary so you should check the output of command sos run -h for acceptable topics.
  • A filename with an extension, or - for standard error output, or nothing to use ~/sos_debug.log as default.

For example,


will save a large amount of debug information to ~/sos_debug.log, regardless of verbosity level set by -v,


will send task related debug information to the terminal, and

export SOS_DEBUG=ALL,myrun.log

will save all debug information in myrun.log, which can be useful if you notice something wrong with SoS or your workflow and would like to submit a bug report.

Control the number of running jobs

SoS dispatch steps, substeps, and nested workflows to dedicated workers. The maximum number of concurrent workers can be controlled by the -j option. Although the default value, which is half of the number of processes of the computer, is good most of the time, you might want to control the number of workers depending on your running environment (e.g. on a shared server) or on the size of your workflow. Note that -j specifies the number of workers so the total number of processes started by sos can be at most n + 1 with option -j n.

Remote workers

A more advanced version of option -j allows the specification of multiple workers on multiple remote workers. For example, if you have host1 and host2 directly accessible by the localhost (through public-key authentication) and with SoS installed, you can create workers on these hosts through

sos run script workflow -j 4 host1:4 host2:4

which will start 4 workers locally, 4 workers on host1 and 4 workers on host2.

In practice, however, this option is rarely used directly and is specified on cluster systems when multiple nodes are allocated to execute a workflow.