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Variables and parameters

  • Difficulty level: easy
  • Time need to lean: 10 minutes or less
  • Key points:
    • SoS (Python) variables can be used to compose scripts in different languages as Python f-strings
    • A parameter statement defines a parameter that can be passed from command line

Global and local variables

Now let us have a look at the example workflow from our SoS overview in more detail.

In [1]:
xlsx2csv data/DEG.xlsx > DEG.csv

null device 

This workflow has a global section, which defines variables that are visible to all workflow steps. The three variables are available in plot_10 and plot_20, so they can be used in actions run and R with the option expand=True. More explicitly, the plot_10 can be considered as the following python script

excel_file = 'data/DEG.xlsx'
csv_file = 'DEG.csv'
figure_file = 'output.pdf'

xlsx2csv {excel_file} > {csv_file}

In contrast, variables defined in individual steps are not available to other steps. For example, the following workflow would fail because csv_file is defined locally in step plot_10.

In [2]:
xlsx2csv data/DEG.xlsx > DEG.csv

ERROR: [plot_20]: [0]: 
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
script_6218156210693059555 in <module>
      plot(data$log2FoldChange, data$stat)
----> """)

NameError: name 'csv_file' is not defined
RuntimeError: Workflow exited with code 1

If you really need to pass locally defined variables to other steps, you will have to return it as the part of the result of the output, or explicitly share the variable with others. Please refer to the Further reading section of this tutorial for details.

Workflow parameters

SoS allows you to define parameters that accept values from command line options.

In [3]:
xlsx2csv data/DEG.xlsx > DEG.csv

null device 

In the above example, three parameters excel_file, csv_file, figure_file are defined. Parameter excel_file is required and is specified as an command line option of the %run magic. The other two parameters have their default values. Note that parameter excel_file can be specified as both --excel_file or --excel-file from command line.