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SoS Magics

  • Difficulty level: hard
  • Time need to lean: refer to this document only when needed
  • Key points:
    • Use %<tab> to get a list of magics
    • Use %MAGIC -h to get the help messages

Getting help

In addition to SoS statements, you can use a few SoS magics in Jupyter notebooks with a SoS kernel. Note that

  • SoS magics have to be specified at the beginning of a cell, although they can be specified after empty lines and comments.
  • Lines ending with "\" will be joined so you can break long magics into multiple lines
  • Multiple magics can be used in a single cell.

In any SoS cell, you can type % and use the <TAB> key to get a list of SoS magics. Then, for any magic you need to use, you can type %MAGIC -h to get the help information. This reference manual is simply a composition of these help messages.

List of Magics


In [1]:
usage: %capture [-h] [--as [{text,json,csv,tsv}]] [-t VAR | -a VAR]

Capture output from a subkernel as variable in SoS

positional arguments:
                        Message type to capture. In terms of Jupyter message
                        types, "stdout" refers to "stream" message with
                        "stdout" type, "stderr" refers to "stream" message
                        with "stderr" type, "text", "markdown" and "html"
                        refers to "display_data" or "execute_result" messages
                        with "text/plain", "text/markdown" and "text/html"
                        type respectively, and 'error' refers to "evalue" of
                        "error" messages. If no value or "raw" is specified,
                        all returned messages will be returned in alist
                        format, and will be displayed in the console panel.
                        This will help you determine the right type to

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --as [{text,json,csv,tsv}]
                        How to interpret the captured text. This only
                        applicable to stdout, stderr and text message type
                        where the text from cell output will be collected. If
                        this option is given, SoS will try to parse the text
                        as json, csv (comma separated text), tsv (tab
                        separated text), and store text (from text), Pandas
                        DataFrame (from csv or tsv), dict or other types (from
                        json) to the variable.
  -t VAR, --to VAR      Name of variable to which the captured content will be
                        saved. If no varialbe is specified, the return value
                        will be saved to variable "__captured" and be
                        displayed at the side panel.
  -a VAR, --append VAR  Name of variable to which the captured content will be
                        appended. This option is equivalent to --to if VAR
                        does not exist. If VAR exists and is of the same type
                        of new content (str or dict or DataFrame), the new
                        content will be appended to VAR if VAR is of str (str
                        concatenation), dict (dict update), or DataFrame
                        (DataFrame.append) types. If VAR is of list type, the
                        new content will be appended to the end of the list.


In [2]:
usage: %cd [-h] dir

change directory of SoS and all subkernels.

positional arguments:
  dir         destination directory

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


In [3]:
usage: %convert [-h] [-t {sos,html}] [-f] [--template TEMPLATE] [filename]

Convert the current notebook to another format.

positional arguments:
  filename              Filename of saved report or script. Default to
                        notebookname with file extension determined by option

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t {sos,html}, --to {sos,html}
                        Destination format, default to html.
  -f, --force           If destination file already exists, overwrite it.
  --template TEMPLATE   Template to generate HTML output. The default template
                        is a template defined by configuration key default-
                        sos-template, or sos-report-toc if such a key does not


In [4]:
usage: %env [-h] [--new] [--set SET [SET ...]]
            [--prepend-path PREPEND_PATH [PREPEND_PATH ...]] [--tempdir]
            [--expect-error] [--allow-error]

Adjust the running environment for the cell, such as running with a new dict,
under a different directory, and expect an error from the execution of the

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --new                 Execute workflow with a fresh SoS environment
  --set SET [SET ...]   Set one more more environment variables. Parameters of
                        this option can be 'KEY=VALUE' or just 'KEY'. An empty
                        evnironment variable will be set in the latter case.
                        Note that the environments will be reset out of the
  --prepend-path PREPEND_PATH [PREPEND_PATH ...]
                        Prepend one or more paths before "$PATH" so that
                        commands in those paths will take priority. Note that
                        `$PATH` will be reset after the completion of the
  --tempdir             Execute workflow in temporary directory, which will be
                        removed after the completion of the cell. Therefore
                        you cannot use this option when running the cell
                        content in background mode.
  --expect-error        If set, expect error from the excution and report
                        success if an error occurs, and report error if an
                        error does not occur.
  --allow-error         If set, return success even if the underlying cell
                        reports error.


In [5]:
usage: %expand [-h] [-i KERNEL] [sigil] [right_sigil]

Expand the script in the current cell with default ({}) or specified sigil.

positional arguments:
  sigil                 Sigil to be used to interpolated the texts. It can be
                        quoted, or be specified as two options.
  right_sigil           Right sigil if the sigil is specified as two pieces.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i KERNEL, --in KERNEL
                        Expand the cell content in specific kernel, default to
                        "SoS". This requires that the language module supports
                        the "expand" featire.


In [6]:
usage: %get [-h] [--from __FROM__] [vars [vars ...]]

Get specified variables from another kernel, which is by default the SoS

positional arguments:
  vars             Names of SoS variables

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --from __FROM__  Name of kernel from which the variables will be obtained.
                   Default to the SoS kernel.


In [7]:
usage: %matplotlib [-h] [-l]

Set matplotlib parser type

positional arguments:
                        Name of the matplotlib backend to use (‘agg’, ‘gtk’,

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l, --list            Show available matplotlib backends


In [8]:
usage: %put [-h] [--to __TO__] [vars [vars ...]]

Put specified variables in the subkernel to another kernel, which is by
default the SoS kernel.

positional arguments:
  vars         Names of SoS variables

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --to __TO__  Name of kernel from which the variables will be obtained.
               Default to the SoS kernel.


In [9]:
usage: %preview [-h] [-k KERNEL] [-w] [-s {table,scatterplot,png}] [-r HOST]
                [-p | -n] [-c CONFIG]
                [items [items ...]]

Preview files, sos variables, or expressions in the side panel, or notebook if
side panel is not opened, unless options --panel or --notebook is specified.

positional arguments:
  items                 Filename, variable name, or expression. Wildcard
                        characters such as '*' and '?' are allowed for

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -k KERNEL, --kernel KERNEL
                        kernel in which variables will be previewed. By
                        default the variable will be previewed in the current
                        kernel of the cell.
  -w, --workflow        Preview notebook workflow
  -s {table,scatterplot,png}, --style {table,scatterplot,png}
                        Option for preview file or variable, which by default
                        is "table" for Pandas DataFrame. The %preview magic
                        also accepts arbitrary additional keyword arguments,
                        which would be interpreted by individual style.
                        Passing '-h' with '--style' would display the usage
                        information of particular style.
  -r HOST, --host HOST  Preview files on specified remote host, which should
                        be one of the hosts defined in sos configuration
  -p, --panel           Preview in side panel even if the panel is currently
  -n, --notebook        Preview in the main notebook.
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        A configuration file with host definitions, in case
                        the definitions are not defined in global or local sos
                        config.yml files.


In [10]:
usage: %render [-h] [--as [AS_TYPE]] [{stdout,text}]

Treat the output of a SoS cell as another format, default to markdown.

positional arguments:
  {stdout,text}   Message type to capture, default to standard output. In
                  terms of Jupyter message types, "stdout" refers to "stream"
                  message with "stdout" type, and "text" refers to
                  "display_data" message with "text/plain" type.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  --as [AS_TYPE]  Format to render output of cell, default to Markdown, but
                  can be any format that is supported by the IPython.display
                  module such as HTML, Math, JSON, JavaScript and SVG.


In [11]:
usage: %revision [-h] [-s [SOURCE]] [-l LINKS [LINKS ...]]

Revision history of the document, parsed from the log message of the notebook
if it is kept in a git repository. Additional parameters to "git log" command
(e.g. -n 5 --since --after) could be specified to limit the revisions to

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s [SOURCE], --source [SOURCE]
                        Source URL to to create links for revisions. SoS
                        automatically parse source URL of the origin and
                        provides variables "repo" for complete origin URL
                        without trailing ".git" (e.g.
                        https://github.com/vatlab/sos-notebook), "path" for
                        complete path name (e.g. src/document/doc.ipynb),
                        "filename" for only the name of the "path", and
                        "revision" for revisions. Because sos interpolates
                        command line by default, variables in URL template
                        should be included with double braceses (e.g. --source
                        {{repo}}/blob/{{revision}}/{{path}})). If this option
                        is provided without value and the document is hosted
                        on github, a default template will be provided.
  -l LINKS [LINKS ...], --links LINKS [LINKS ...]
                        Name and URL or additional links for related files
                        (e.g. --links report URL_to_repo ) with URL
                        interpolated as option --source.


In [12]:
usage: %run [-h]

Execute the current cell with specified command line arguments. If the magic
ends with "&", it will be sent to a queue to be executed sequentially.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


In [13]:
usage: %runfile [-h] script

Execute an external SoS script, which is identical to run !sos run script but
allows the display of task and workflow status in notebook. It also accepts
default parameters of %set magic.

positional arguments:
  script      Script to be executed.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


Magic %save saves the content of the current cell (after the magic itself) to specified file. It accepts the following options:

In [14]:
usage: %save [-h] [-r] [-f] [-a] [-x] filename

Save the content of the cell to specified file. It ignores magic lines after
the %save magic unless a blank line is used to separate the magics and the
content to be saved.

positional arguments:
  filename              Filename of saved report or script.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r, --run             Continue to execute the cell once content is saved.
  -f, --force           If destination file already exists, overwrite it.
  -a, --append          If destination file already exists, append to it.
  -x, --set-executable  Set `executable` permission to saved script.


In [15]:
usage: %sosrun [-h]

Execute the entire notebook with steps consisting of SoS cells (cells with SoS
kernel) with section header, with specified command line arguments. Arguments
set by magic %set will be appended at the end of command line. If the magic
ends with "&", it will be sent to a queue to be executed sequentially.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


In [16]:
usage: %sessioninfo [-h] [-w __WITH__]

List the session info of all subkernels, and information stored in variable

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -w __WITH__, --with __WITH__
                        Name of variable that contains extra information to be
                        appended. This variable should be a dictionary, with
                        keys being the section headers and items being the
                        session information, which can be a string, a list of
                        strings, a dictionary, or a list of `(key, value)`
                        pairs. Encoded strings (bytes) are acceptable in
                        places of strings.


In [17]:
usage: %shutdown [-h] [-r] [kernel]

Shutdown or restart specified subkernel

positional arguments:
  kernel         Name of the kernel to be restarted, default to the current
                 running kernel.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -r, --restart  Restart the kernel


In [18]:
usage: %task [-h] [-a | --age AGE | -s STATUS [STATUS ...] | -t
             [TAGS [TAGS ...]]]
             {status,execute,kill,purge} ...

Get information on specified task. By default sos would query against all
running task queues but it would start a task queue and query status if option
-q is specified.

positional arguments:
    status              task status
    execute             execute task
    kill                kill single task or tasks with the same tags
    purge               kill and purge task

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a, --all             Clear all task information on local or specified
                        remote task queue, including tasks created by other
  --age AGE             Remove all tasks that are created more than (default)
                        or within specified age. Value of this parameter can
                        be in units s (second), m (minute), h (hour), or d
                        (day, default), or in the foramt of HH:MM:SS, with
                        optional prefix + for older (default) and - for newer
                        than specified age.
  -s STATUS [STATUS ...], --status STATUS [STATUS ...]
                        Remove all tasks with specified status, which can be
                        pending, submitted, running, completed, failed, and
                        aborted. One of more status can be specified.
  -t [TAGS [TAGS ...]], --tags [TAGS [TAGS ...]]
                        Remove all tsks with one of the specified tags.
In [19]:
usage: %task status [-h] [-q QUEUE] [-c CONFIG] [-v {0,1,2,3,4}]
                    [-t [TAGS [TAGS ...]]] [-s [STATUS [STATUS ...]]]
                    [--age AGE]
                    [tasks [tasks ...]]

positional arguments:
  tasks                 ID of the task. All tasks that are releted to the
                        workflow executed under the current directory will be
                        checked if unspecified. There is no need to specify
                        compelete task IDs because SoS will match specified
                        name with tasks starting with these names.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q QUEUE, --queue QUEUE
                        Check the status of job on specified tasks queue or
                        remote host if the tasks . The queue can be defined in
                        global or local sos configuration file, or a file
                        specified by option --config. A host is assumed to be
                        a remote machine with process type if no configuration
                        is found.
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        A configuration file with host definitions, in case
                        the definitions are not defined in global sos
                        config.yml files.
  -v {0,1,2,3,4}        Output error (0), warning (1), info (2), and debug (3)
                        information to standard output (default to 2).
  -t [TAGS [TAGS ...]], --tags [TAGS [TAGS ...]]
                        Only list tasks with one of the specified tags.
  -s [STATUS [STATUS ...]], --status [STATUS [STATUS ...]]
                        Display tasks with one of the specified status.
  --age AGE             Limit to tasks that are created more than (default) or
                        within specified age. Value of this parameter can be
                        in units s (second), m (minute), h (hour), or d (day,
                        default), or in the foramt of HH:MM:SS, with optional
                        prefix + for older (default) and - for newer than
                        specified age.
In [20]:
usage: %task execute [-h] [-q QUEUE] [-c CONFIG] [-v {0,1,2,3,4}]
                     [tasks [tasks ...]]

positional arguments:
  tasks                 ID of the tasks to be removed. There is no need to
                        specify compelete task IDs because SoS will match
                        specified name with tasks starting with these names.
                        If no task ID is specified, all tasks related to
                        specified workflows (option -w) will be removed.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q QUEUE, --queue QUEUE
                        Remove tasks on specified tasks queue or remote host
                        if the tasks . The queue can be defined in global or
                        local sos configuration file, or a file specified by
                        option --config. A host is assumed to be a remote
                        machine with process type if no configuration is
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        A configuration file with host definitions, in case
                        the definitions are not defined in global sos
                        config.yml files.
  -v {0,1,2,3,4}        Output error (0), warning (1), info (2), and debug (3)
                        information to standard output (default to 2).
In [21]:
usage: %task kill [-h] [-a] [-q QUEUE] [-t [TAGS [TAGS ...]]] [-c CONFIG]
                  [-v {0,1,2,3,4}]
                  [tasks [tasks ...]]

positional arguments:
  tasks                 IDs of the tasks that will be killed. There is no need
                        to specify compelete task IDs because SoS will match
                        specified name with tasks starting with these names.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a, --all             Kill all tasks in local or specified remote task queue
  -q QUEUE, --queue QUEUE
                        Kill jobs on specified tasks queue or remote host if
                        the tasks . The queue can be defined in global or
                        local sos configuration file, or a file specified by
                        option --config. A host is assumed to be a remote
                        machine with process type if no configuration is
  -t [TAGS [TAGS ...]], --tags [TAGS [TAGS ...]]
                        Only kill tasks with one of the specified tags.
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        A configuration file with host definitions, in case
                        the definitions are not defined in global sos
                        config.yml files.
  -v {0,1,2,3,4}, --verbosity {0,1,2,3,4}
                        Output error (0), warning (1), info (2), and debug (3)
                        information to standard output (default to 2).
In [22]:
usage: %task purge [-h] [-q QUEUE] [-c CONFIG] [-v {0,1,2,3,4}]
                   [tasks [tasks ...]]

positional arguments:
  tasks                 ID of the tasks to be removed. There is no need to
                        specify compelete task IDs because SoS will match
                        specified name with tasks starting with these names.
                        If no task ID is specified, all tasks related to
                        specified workflows (option -w) will be removed.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q QUEUE, --queue QUEUE
                        Remove tasks on specified tasks queue or remote host
                        if the tasks . The queue can be defined in global or
                        local sos configuration file, or a file specified by
                        option --config. A host is assumed to be a remote
                        machine with process type if no configuration is
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        A configuration file with host definitions, in case
                        the definitions are not defined in global sos
                        config.yml files.
  -v {0,1,2,3,4}        Output error (0), warning (1), info (2), and debug (3)
                        information to standard output (default to 2).


In [23]:
usage: %use [-h] [-k KERNEL] [-l LANGUAGE] [-c COLOR] [-r] [name]

Switch to an existing subkernel or start a new subkernel.

positional arguments:
  name                  Displayed name of kernel to start (if no kernel with
                        name is specified) or switch to (if a kernel with this
                        name is already started). The name is usually a kernel
                        name (e.g. %use ir) or a language name (e.g. %use R)
                        in which case the language name will be used. One or
                        more parameters --language or --kernel will need to be
                        specified if a new name is used to start a separate
                        instance of a kernel.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -k KERNEL, --kernel KERNEL
                        kernel name as displayed in the output of jupyter
                        kernelspec list. Default to the default kernel of
                        selected language (e.g. ir for language R.
  -l LANGUAGE, --language LANGUAGE
                        Language extension that enables magics such as %get
                        and %put for the kernel, which should be in the name
                        of a registered language (e.g. R), or a specific
                        language module in the format of package.module:class.
                        SoS maitains a list of languages and kernels so this
                        option is only needed for starting a new instance of a
  -c COLOR, --color COLOR
                        Background color of new or existing kernel, which
                        overrides the default color of the language. A special
                        value "default" can be used to reset color to default.
  -r, --restart         Restart the kernel if it is running.


In [24]:
usage: %with [-h] [-i [IN_VARS [IN_VARS ...]]] [-o [OUT_VARS [OUT_VARS ...]]]

Use specified subkernel to evaluate current cell, with optional input and
output variables

positional arguments:
  name                  Name of an existing kernel.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i [IN_VARS [IN_VARS ...]], --in [IN_VARS [IN_VARS ...]]
                        Input variables (variables to get from SoS kernel)
  -o [OUT_VARS [OUT_VARS ...]], --out [OUT_VARS [OUT_VARS ...]]
                        Output variables (variables to put back to SoS kernel
                        before switching back to the SoS kernel


If any other command is entered after !, sos will treat the rest of the line as a shell command and execute it. Only single-line commands are supported. String interpolation is supported. Note that !cd does not change the current working directory because the command is executed in a separate process. Use magic %cd for that purpose.