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Output from another step

  • Difficulty level: intermediate
  • Time need to lean: 10 minutes or less
  • Key points:
    • Function output_from(step) refers to output from another step
    • output_from(step)[name] can be used to refer to named output from step

Referring to named output from another step

As shown in the example from tutorial How to use named output in data-flow style workflows, function named_output can be used to refer to named output from another step:

In [1]:
xlsx2csv data/DEG.xlsx > data/DEG.csv

One obvious limitation of named_output() is that the name has to be unique in the workflow. For example, in the following script where another step test_csv also gives its output a name csv, the workflow would fail due to ambiguity. This is usually not a concern with small workflows. However, when workflows get more and more complex, it is sometimes desired to anchor named output more precisely.

In [2]:
ERROR: Multiple steps convert, test_csv to generate target named_output("csv")
RuntimeError: Workflow exited with code 1

Function output_from

Function output_from imports the output from one or more other steps. For example, in the following workflow output_from(['step_10', 'step_20']) takes the output from steps step_10 and step_20 as input.

In [3]:
[###] 3 steps processed (1 job completed, 2 jobs ignored)

The above example is a simple forward workflow with numerically numbered steps. In this case the parameters of output_from can be simplied to just the indexes (integers) so the workflow can be written as

In [4]:
[###] 3 steps processed (1 job completed, 2 jobs ignored)

The source steps of output_from(steps) does not have to be limited to numerically-indexed steps. For example, the above example can be written as:

In [5]:
[###] 3 steps processed (3 jobs completed)

labels of outputs returned from output_from

The sources of the files returned from output_from() is by default the names of the steps so you can refer to these files separately using the _input[name] syntax:

In [6]:
[###] 3 steps processed (1 job completed, 2 jobs ignored)

If the output has its own sources (names), the sources will be kept.

In [7]:
[###] 3 steps processed (3 jobs completed)

As usual, keyword arguments of the input statement override the sources of input files:

In [8]:
[###] 3 steps processed (2 jobs completed, 1 job ignored)

Groups of output returned from output_from

Similar to the case with named_output, the returned object from output_from() keeps its original groups. For example,

In [9]:
[##] 2 steps processed (8 jobs ignored)

You can override the groups using the group_by option of output_from.

In [10]:
[##] 2 steps processed (6 jobs ignored)

Note that we used


when _input contains only one filename and the above the statement is equivalent to


However, when _input contains more than one files, you will have to deal with them one by one as follows:

[x.with_suffix('.bak') for x in _input]

Using output_from in place of named_output

Going back to our convert, plot example. When another step is added to have the same named output, it is no longer possible to use named_output(name). In this case you can explicitly specify the step from which the named output is defined, and use


instead of


as shown in the following example:

In [11]:
xlsx2csv data/DEG.xlsx > data/DEG.csv

Note that output_from is better than named_output for its ability to referring to a specific step, but is also worse than named_output for the same reason because it makes the workflow more difficult to maintain. We generally recommend the use of named_output for its simplicity.

output_from() with skipped substeps

Function output_from() obtains outputs, actually substeps output from another step. There is, however, a case when a substep is skipped and leaves no output. In this case, the substep output is dicarded.

For example, when a substep in the step A of the following workflow is skipped, the result from output_from('A') contains only the output of valid substeps.

In [12]:
[##] 2 steps processed (4 jobs completed, 3 jobs ignored)

However, if you would like to keep consistent number of substeps across steps, you can handle get output from all substeps by using option remove_empty_groups=False.

In [13]:
[##] 2 steps processed (4 jobs completed, 3 jobs ignored)

Output from a workflow

Function output_from is usually used to refer the output of a specific step. However, similar to target sos_step that can refer to a numerically indexed workflow, output_from can also accept the name of the workflow and returns the output of the last step of the workflow.

For example, in the following workflow, output_from('A') is used to obtain the output of step A_2, which is the last step of the workflow A. Although output_from('A') is identical to output_from('A_2'), it frees you from specifying the index of the last step of the workflow, and is more intuitive to think output_from('A') as the output of the workflow.

In [14]:
[###] 3 steps processed (2 jobs completed, 1 job ignored)